Saturday, April 26, 2008

Prom 2008

If you can believe it, Zack's junior is quickly coming to a close. I am having a very difficult time wrapping my brain around that fact myself.

My son has grown up in the blink of an eye. (sniff! sniff!)

These pictures were taken in our yard this afternoon before the prom. (her prom -- he didn't want to go to his -- figured they would go to that one next year.

They actually met up with 3 additional couples (and two stag males) at their restaurant of choice after these pictures were taken.
I want your opinions on something. I hope I didn't make the wrong decision. Curious about your thoughts.

Arrie 's (Zack's girlfriend) parents have opened up their home to an all night fellowship for Zack, Arrie and their friends. Their plan after the prom is to run home, change into comfortable clothes and go bowling. After they're finished bowling they're headed to Arrie's house for some popcorn and movies. All of them plan on staying away all night, with Arrie's parents in the house. (Their house is only 1500 sq ft, and their bedroom is right off of the den).

They all are going to church in the morning in their prom attire.
Be honest...would you all be ok with your teen(s) given permission to do the aforementioned in this situation?
Why or why not?


lightshines said...

Very nice pictures!
I say it is a very personal decision. If you trust them enough to be responsible and believe they will follow the rules then go for it. Hope they had a great time.

humble servant said...

Thank God I don't have to make decisions like that for many more years.

Sounds like they all had a blast, though.

Anonymous said...

First off, beautiful pictures! I think in this case I would allow my child to do something like that. It sounds a lot tamer than what most teens plan for prom and you knew where he would be every step of the way and the parents would be there. How did it all turn out?


Tanya said...

Great pictures! :) Thanks for sharing them.
How did the weekend go?

Sue said...

Gorgeous pics Sandi! Oh my I can't believe how grown up Zack is. You should be very proud of him. They all sound like great kids and a very responsible family - I probably would let my teen stay the night. How did things turn out??