Thursday, October 26, 2006

Aaron, my baby :):)

Look how big (and handsome!) my baby is getting! The little (big?) smartie just got his first report card -- midterm was given out just over a month ago -- and the stinker received all A's again.

Is this the same boy who was struggling in comprehension last year? I think not. He has certainly found his niche now, hasn't he?

He is such the sensitive type, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings. Every night at the completion of his prayers, he always ask for forgiveness on things that he may have done to offend someone during the day. We could all use this ritual, at least I know I could.

His last football game is this weekend. His first handbell performance is on November 12th, and his choir group will be singing in this Sunday evening's service. If that isn't enough, he is participating in a bible drill competition this Saturday from 10:00 - 3:30, one of 8 children picked out of 25. My busy boy, that's for sure!

I'll post about my eldest son and brag on him in my next post. I also want to talk about an awesome invitation that DH received this week. :)

May you all have a good weekend. Our fall festival is this Saturday evening, so we'll be doing it in subsititution of Halloween's trick or treating. Be safe everyone!


Anonymous said...

Wow-- He is a spitting image of his mom! ;)
AWESOME news about his grades. Tell him your blog friends are proud of him and to keep up the good work. :)

Jen Strange said...

busy kid! love that cute picture. it's good that he's so involved in so many things -- I'm a strong believer in that. As long as he has a little time to sit and stare at the wall. :)



Anonymous said...

What a beautiful child you have! You have so much to be proud of too. I hope that I'll be talking like taht about my son when he's that age. Way to go mom!