Monday, November 26, 2007

Je suis fini (with shopping, that is)!!

Our Thanksgiving meal went very nicely. My sister and her husband, and the four of us went out to a place in town to eat our turkey, and it was splendid. The best part? No clean up, and no leftovers for daaaayyys! :)

Black Friday had Michael and me up before the crack of dawn (3:45) and out the door by 4:15. Aunt Gail's $1,000 gift (can you believe the amount?!?) was well worth the early rise. Michael waited in line at one place while I waited in another. The one family gift (The W!!) we wanted to get this year was what we were hoping to get our hands on - and the demand for it was very high everywhere. I had no success where I was. Michael was #6 in line at the place he was waiting, but the store didn't open til 7:00. Come to find out...they had only 9 in the store, so we got what we were searching for! Yes, we waited in line over 2 hours to get it, but I think it will be well worth it.

I do have to look for Michael another gift -- a small one that he can open and be surprised about -- we were present with the gifts that we bought for each other. I have had my eye on some cookware for awhile, and finally found it on sale at K0hl's. He picked up some tools at Lowe's that he had been wanting, so we are through with each other's big gift. We also got Aaron a 2GB MP*3 player with case, charger, and armband for less than $50 on sale. A rubik's cube was also something we found for him that he'd been asking for, along with some Transformer type figurines. We picked up Zack a couple of shirts along with some Georgia Bullog lounge pants.

I found some jean's for the boys -- Goody's had all their denim on sale the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, including Duckhead, Polo, and Levi; so that is out of the way.

We'll be getting Zack's car for him sometime this week. We got a 1996 Mercury Sable with just under 100K miles on it, and runs wonderfully. What's not so wonderful is the insurance premiums--$1,100 for 6 months just to add him to our policy!! Can you say sticker shock!?! And that's with the good student and driver's education course discount!

I can hardly believe that Christmas is less than a month away. After the accident happened, the rest of the year has been a blur, and therefore, has passed at record speed. Michael's PT begins tomorrow-yay!

The month of December holds a very busy schedule for our family, with Church Christmas programs (x 3 - to include Aaron's handbell program), Christmas parties and (x 2, possibly 3). I hope we can get through it all without too much stress. :)

I'll close this entry for now, but look to post another entry before the week is up. Bye for now!


Anonymous said...

I am stuck on the fact that Zack is old enough to drive. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?

Sounds like a glorious T-Day weekend, though I don't envy your early rising to go shopping. LOL

Tanya said...

WOW- you scored with your shopping! :) Sounds like you found some great deals!

I am with Nino--- Zack- driving!?

Have fun with the Wi. I have heard great things about it. Joe is trying to get me to give in. I said NO only because we already have SO many game systems in this house. I said sell one or two and then I will think about it. ;)

Have a great day Sandi.
I am SO happy you are blogging again.

Anonymous said...

I can NOT believe you got up that early. Yowza. What did you get??

Anonymous said...

Zack with a car? REALLY? WOW!!! When did that happen?

Congrats on all your goodies! Your deals sound awesome!!

Much love!

Rebekah said...

You've been tagged. =)

Anonymous said...

omg WOW!!!

what the girls said!

He is driving?!!!!!!!!!!


LOVE and miss YOU

SO glad to read from you again!!!
